Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Photography Experiments, Part 3

For our final Halloween shoot we wanted to do something other than ghost.  We had a great location and our friend Charles volunteered to be a werewolf.  We used an off camera flash to light the scenes from different angles.

Sometimes the universe gives you a really great location at just the right moment and you have to take advantage.  For this shoot we were able to go out into the woods to an old, rundown house.  This shoot would have been a lot less interesting if we had gone somewhere else.

To create the werewolf look I used regular costume make up around the eyes, first applying a layer of black and then using white and yellow to fade the black outward away from the eyes.  Our model had a five o'clock shadow and a very short haircut, so I used gum spirit to apply fake hair to his face and head.  I first applied black hair at the jawline and the top of his head.  Then I used a red/brown color to add highlight and fill in the hair around his cheeks and forehead.

Here are a few of Sara's finished pictures.

This lighting effect was actually created by the spotlight being placed directly under the models face. 

If you would like to book a shoot with Sara or see more of her photography, please visit the Bellawillow website.

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